
Rank and Bank SEO (Churn and Burn)

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Churn and Burn is one of the most effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) methods out there for websites that want to rank high on search engines and want to do so at lightning speed.

Google gives better rankings to websites that have more quality backlinks among other factors. However, traditional SEO methods used for digital marketing take time and money, which may not make sense for the type of project you are working on.

One way to increase your rankings quickly is with the churn and burn SEO – a very high-risk, high-reward SEO technique used by skilled black-hat SEOs that have taken the calculated risk and decided it was worth it.

In this post, we’ll go over what churn and burn SEO is, how you can execute it, and whether it is worth considering or not for your current SEO project.

What is Churn and Burn SEO?

Churn and burn guide for ranking sites quickly.

Churn and burn SEO, which is sometimes known as rank and bank SEO, is an SEO process in which you create thousands of backlinks to your main site in a short period of time. This will increase your site’s authority and help you gain higher rankings on search engines extremely quickly.

This will bring in more incoming traffic which you can then monetize.

Churn pertains to the fact that you churn out a lot of backlinks (and potentially domains), and burn refers to the fact that the page has a very high chance of getting penalized where your Google rankings will drop dramatically or entirely.

The problem with churn and burn SEO is that, as a black hat SEO strategy, search engines such as Google are on the lookout for it. Unlike some other black-hat strategies, this one is harder to hide from search engines. This increases the chances that your site will get penalized and rankings lost.

Once a website is penalized, it is pretty difficult to reverse the process. In most cases, you will be better off ditching the domain and moving on to the next one.

So who uses this method? Churn and burn is generally used by people who want to take advantage of new markets, seasonal markets, and fast-moving markets where speed is of the utmost importance. Those that are thinking long-term need not apply.

How to Execute The Rank and Bank SEO Strategy

The first step in executing the churn and burn SEO strategy is to research appropriate keywords relevant to your niche and for your marketing purposes. There are many options and strategies out there for keyword research.

Next, you need to purchase a domain. This should be something relevant to your niche and ideally something that uses one of your keywords to help facilitate the ranking process. You could do this with a fresh domain, aged domain, or expired domain (if you have a little more time to get it indexed).

We like to use expired domains as they are cheap, you can restore some of the old content, and you get to take advantage of the preexisting authority from its old backlink profile.

Next, put content up on your site. Make sure to take care of your on-page SEO optimizations just like you would on any other project.

Now it’s time to build the links.

This can be done in many ways, but the most popular and cheapest way is by using auto-generated links created by programs such as GSA Search Engine Ranker.

You can do this manually as well with something like PBN links, however, given the risks, most choose to spend as little time and money as possible.

These programs will create hundreds or thousands of backlinks with variations of your keywords as anchors to your website over a period of time.

Next, wait until your website starts to rank and reap the benefits of this black hat SEO technique as quickly as possible before your site picks up any potential penalties.

If you have a money site that you’d like to use this tactic with but don’t want to get penalized, you can use churn and burn on other buffer sites instead of your main site. You would just use the above steps on domains other than your main site.

When you are putting content on the buffer sites, do so in a way that is designed to funnel any potential traffic to your main domain. You will accomplish this with well-placed backlinks to your main money site.

This can be somewhat risky for your main site as well if it receives too many links from domains that have picked up spam penalties. Be sure to remove the links from these domains if and when they pick up search engine penalties to avoid any complications down the line.

Is Churn and Burn SEO Worth It?

As mentioned previously, churn and burn is a very useful method for people who are looking to rank their sites quickly in the SERPs (search engine result pages).

If you are working with a fast-moving, new, or seasonal market, this strategy can pay out handsomely.

Most SEOs who are concerned with the long-term success of their sites and brands stay away from this technique. But in many cases, the long-term doesn’t matter when a lot of money is up for grabs and you mitigate your risks by using a burner website to rank with no affiliation to your main brand.

Like with any project, you will have to weigh the costs (both monetary and time) against the benefits and make the decision yourself. And you’ll need to have a solid understanding of the importance of backlinks in ranking, including possible ways your site can be penalized by Google and how to address those issues.

Churn and Burn SEO Wrap-Up

Churn and burn SEO can be extremely lucrative for more advanced search engine optimizers, but you have to be prepared to lose it all – including your website (or websites in some cases).

At the end of the day, it all comes down to you. If you think you can reap the benefits of a high-ranking website quickly before you are penalized by the search engines, then go for it! Build those backlinks!

Consider joining SEO groups on Facebook that are open to black hat SEO and discussing advanced techniques.

However, if you have a brand or an online business that you are looking to grow for the long-term, then you’re better off staying away from this black hat SEO method and risking losing your domain and having to start your digital marketing efforts all over.

If you have any questions or comments about rank and bank SEO, please leave them below!

Contributing Author: Shervin Abdolhamidi

Article by:
Nick Altimore

Hey I'm Nick, the founder here at SirLinksalot. I'm into building internet money machines (affiliate websites) and specialize in building backlinks. Find out more about me and my link building team.

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